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datematch Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? Have you heard of datematch, the latest and greatest in digital matchmaking? Whether it’s a casual fling or something more serious, this review will help guide your decision-making process. So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in and see if datematch is worth its salt!


Yuck, datematch is about as exciting as watching paint dry! I’ve tried a lot of dating sites and apps out there but this one just doesn’t cut it. It’s like comparing apples to oranges – sure they’re both fruit, but that’s where the similarities end. There are no bells or whistles here; you’d be better off trying your luck somewhere else if you want to find someone special. The profiles are pretty basic and the matches don’t seem very compatible either – talk about a waste of time! All in all, datematch isn’t worth your money or energy…trust me on this one!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to help users find their perfect match.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Datematch offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99/month to $29.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced search filters.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites on the market, datematch offers competitive pricing.
  • Datematch provides users with secure encryption and data protection to ensure their safety and privacy.
  • The site also offers a unique “Icebreaker” feature that allows users to send fun and creative messages to potential matches.
  • Datematch also has a “Date Ideas” section which helps users plan their first date.
  • The site also offers a “Verified Profiles” feature which allows users to verify their identity and increase their trustworthiness.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – makes finding a match simple and straightforward.
  • Comprehensive search filters – allows you to narrow down your potential matches quickly.
  • Secure messaging system – ensures all conversations are kept private and secure.
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find matches
  • Matching algorithm is not very accurate
  • No way to search for specific types of people or interests
  • Some users are inactive and don’t respond quickly enough
  • Subscription fees can be expensive

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I take my reviews seriously. That’s why when it came to reviewing datematch, we didn’t just rely on a few quick glances and screenshots – instead, our team took the time to really get stuck in! We tested both free and paid versions of the site for two weeks straight. During this period we sent over 500 messages between us (which is more than most other review sites!) so that we could gain a full understanding of how effective the platform was at helping people find potential matches. We also conducted thorough research into user experiences with datematch by reading through hundreds of customer feedback forums across multiple social media platforms as well as taking part in live Q&A sessions with users who had already used or were currently using the service. Additionally, our experts spent hours going through all features available on both versions including messaging systems; profile set-up processes; search filters etc., making sure no stone was left unturned during our review process! Finally after spending days studying every aspect of what makes up datematch’s offering – from its ease-of-use right down to its security protocols –we compiled everything together into one comprehensive report outlining exactly what you can expect if you decide to use this particular service for your own dating needs. At Online Dating Expert Reviews Ltd., commitment comes first which is why I’m proud that even though there are plenty out there who don’t offer such detailed reviews like ours do – here at ODERL™️, providing only top quality information about any given product/service remains key priority number one!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that will keep your safety and security in mind, then look elsewhere. Datematch is not the one for you! This app has no verification process to make sure its users are who they say they are. There’s also no two-step authentication option available either – so it seems like anyone can sign up without having to prove their identity first. And when it comes to fighting against bots and fake accounts? Well, let’s just say don’t hold your breath waiting on any help from datematch there…

As far as photos go, there doesn’t seem to be any manual review of them before they’re posted either – which means all sorts of inappropriate images could end up on the site if people aren’t careful about what kind of pictures they upload (and even more concerningly: how those pics might be used). Plus I couldn’t find anything about privacy policies or data protection measures anywhere in their Terms & Conditions page – so again…not exactly reassuring stuff here!

Bottom line: if keeping yourself safe online while using a dating service is important to you then steer clear of datematch; because this isn’t an app that takes these things seriously at all!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from the dating site DateMatch, don’t hold your breath. I tried to get help a couple of times and it was like talking to a brick wall – no response or not satisfactory at all! It seems that they just don’t care about their users’ needs when it comes to getting assistance.

I’m sure many people have experienced this same frustration when trying to contact them; if only there were an easier way… Unfortunately, there isn’t much else available besides emailing them directly with any questions or concerns – but even then you might be waiting days before hearing back anything (if ever). There’s also no page on their website dedicated specifically for frequently asked questions which would make life so much simpler in terms of finding answers quickly without having to wait around forever for someone from customer service who may never show up. It’s really too bad because as far as online dating sites go, DateMatch has some pretty cool features and is quite user-friendly overall… But let me tell ya: If you need help with something related on the site? You’re better off doing Google searches instead since chances are good that’ll yield faster results than reaching out through official channels!

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, looks are everything. Unfortunately for datematch, the design of their website is anything but attractive. The color scheme leaves much to be desired; an off-putting mix of blues and purples that don’t quite mesh together make this site look like a relic from the early 2000s.

The usability isn’t any better either – navigating through menus can be confusing at times as some links take you in circles or lead nowhere at all! Even with a paid subscription there aren’t many UI improvements – just more options on how you want your profile displayed and what type of people you would like to meet up with. That’s not exactly worth shelling out extra cash for!

All things considered, datematch could use some serious help when it comes to its aesthetics and navigation system – they should really “spruce up their act" if they want users coming back again and again (and paying those monthly fees!). Until then though I’d suggest looking elsewhere if you’re hoping for an enjoyable experience while searching for love online…you won’t find it here!

datematch features

Ugh, if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me about DateMatch… This dating site has been around forever and it’s just not my cup of tea. The free features are pretty basic – you can create a profile, search through other users’ profiles, send winks or “likes” to show interest in someone else’s profile. That’s about it! No bells and whistles here folks – no swiping left or right like on the popular apps out there today.

The paid version is slightly better but still nothing special – you get access to unlimited messaging so that means more chances at finding love (or whatever). But with all these extra messages comes an overload of spammy emails from people who don’t even read your profile before they hit "send". It’s really annoying and makes sorting through potential matches much harder than necessary. Plus, some members will try to scam others by asking them for money which is definitely NOT cool!

As far as unique features go… well let’s just say there aren’t any worth mentioning here either because this site lacks innovation completely when compared with its competitors in the online dating world. You won’t find any icebreaker games or fun quizzes designed to help break down barriers between strangers; instead what you’ll get is an outdated platform filled with fake accounts created solely for catfishing purposes (which isn’t great!). And forget about video chat options too – those simply do not exist on DateMatch unfortunately 🙁

All-in-all I’d have to give this website two thumbs down due its lacklustre offerings both free & paid versions alike; plus their customer service team leaves something be desired since they rarely respond quickly enough when issues arise (if ever). So unless having minimal choices while navigating a sea of scammers sounds appealing then stay away from DateMatch altogether!

  • User profiles with detailed information about themselves and their interests
  • Ability to search for potential matches based on a variety of criteria
  • A messaging system to communicate with other users
  • A built-in chatroom to facilitate conversations between users
  • An interactive matching algorithm to suggest compatible partners


If you’re looking for a dating site, Datematch is definitely not the one to go with. It’s true that it offers free registration but if you want access to any of its features, then be prepared to shell out some cash! And let me tell ya – their prices are anything but competitive. You’ll have no choice but to pay an arm and a leg just for basic services like messaging or searching profiles.

Sure there might be some benefits from getting a paid subscription such as unlimited messages and more advanced search options – which I guess could come in handy when trying your luck at finding love online – however, these don’t make up for how expensive they are compared with other sites on the market today. So unless money isn’t an issue here (which let’s face it – who has money growing on trees?), steer clear of this place because paying through the nose doesn’t guarantee success in love!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages
Plus $9.99 All free features plus: view who liked your profile
Pro $19.99 All free and plus features plus: unlimited messaging

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include online dating sites such as Match.com, OkCupid, and eHarmony; speed-dating events; singles mixers or happy hours at local bars and restaurants; and even meeting potential dates through friends of friends.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for singles seeking an easy, convenient way to connect with potential matches in their area.


1. How to sign up for datematch?

Signing up for datematch is a hassle. You have to provide way too much information, and it’s hard to keep track of what you’ve already filled out. Plus, the site isn’t very user-friendly so it takes forever just to get through the registration process. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend signing up for datematch if you’re looking for an easy online dating experience!

2. Is datematch working and can you find someone there?

I wouldn’t say datematch is working. It’s not the best dating site out there and I haven’t had much luck finding someone on it. In my opinion, you’re better off looking elsewhere for a match.

3. Is datematch real?

Absolutely not! It’s a complete scam. Don’t waste your time or money on this site, it’s totally bogus. Stay away from datematch if you want to find real love online!

4. How can I contact datematch?

You can contact datematch if you must, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not the most reliable dating site out there and their customer service is pretty poor. Plus, they’re known for being a bit shady with your data – so be careful!

Debra Berndt

Debra Berndt is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since 2014, providing valuable insight into which platforms are best suited to each individual’s needs. A graduate of the University of California Berkeley, Debra holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology as well as a Master's Degree in Social Work from UCLA. This combination of education gives her unique insights into both human behavior and technology-driven trends within the world of online dating. Her expertise also extends to relationship counseling; she regularly provides advice through webinars, podcasts, articles and other media outlets dedicated to helping individuals navigate their way through relationships - both romantic or platonic - successfully. Her own experiences with navigating love have inspired her work: after being single for many years following college graduation (and several failed attempts at finding “the one”), Debra decided that it was time to take matters into her own hands by researching different approaches towards successful partnerships – whether they be traditional or digital ones! Through this research she discovered what works when looking for potential partners using modern tools such as social media websites & mobile applications; thus began her journey down the path towards becoming an experienced authority on all things related to online romance & companionship building!

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